Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Maca VS butt injections

Maca vs. Butt Injections

Maca or maca root is being used by more and more women who want a larger booty. Maca is not a hormone or a chemical and is completely safe to use. The only people who cannot use maca are those who have seizures. Maca is a vegetable which grows in the Andes Mountains of Peru and has been used since the time of the Incas. Women, in most cases, who use maca for booty enlargement get great results. There was even one women who complained about maca making her booty bigger because she was using it for a different purpose. She admitted, however, that her husband loved her larger rear end, and it made her marriage better.

What is Maca or Maca Root
Maca is just a root vegetable that naturally contains compounds which make your hormones work better. Maca is not a hormone; it is an adaptogen so it affects your hormones. Women using maca for booty enlargement have begun seeing positive changes within as little as 4 or 5 days if they use larger amounts of maca. Most women have growth of at least 2 inches or better even if they had totally flat buttocks at the start. Depending upon how large a woman wants her booty to be, it can take just a few weeks to several months to get the results that she wants. Booty exercises make the new larger booty look even better. Pics of women's butt enlargement results from using maca root are on women's forums online.

The initial side effects that some women have from maca are temporary stomach aches, gas and/or irritability. Some women have more vivid dreams when they start using maca. After using maca root for 8 weeks, maca should be taken less frequently or in smaller dosages or discontinued for just a week or two and then resuming normal use. Other women don't like the taste, but it comes as a powder or can be bought in capsules. Women who use the maca root powder will put it in drinks, shakes, food and some even buy cookies with maca root powder baked right in. Usually the taste is not an issue if you use maca capsules. Some people like the taste of maca root (it is slightly sweet).

Butt Injections
Other women, as seen from threads on many topix forums, are using risky butt injections to get a bigger booty. The butt injections, which are supposed to be from silicone which also goes by the name adatosil and also the name PMMA, is usually not done by a medical doctor. In some cases, the women don't even get a bigger booty at all. The injections are not legal in the US so usually
there is nothing that anyone can do if something goes wrong. Women who have problems go to the hospital, of course, but, according to lawyers, they can't sue if they knew that the butt injections were illegal. Some women even travel out of the US to get these injections which leave them completely helpless when something goes wrong AND they have wasted hard earned money to leave the country for nothing. Women have reported adverse reactions both immediately and as long as two years after the injection.


Results of Butt Injections
There are various results that can happen from these injections:
  • kidney failure
  • pain in the legs and buttocks
  • lumps in the buttocks
  • hardness at the injection site(s)
  • injection fluid travelling to other parts of the body
  • infection
  • skin discoloration
  • respiratory problems
  • death
Most people on the topix forums don't usually know the dangers of the butt injections. Ironically, most of the information about the dangers of butt injections can be found on the topix threads from posters who either had the injections or knew someone who had complications from them. There are also newspaper articles and a video from a Philadelphia tv news report (available online) about butt injections that went wrong. CLICK THIS PAYPAL PAYMENT BUTTON TO ORDER *UPDATED OCTOBER 30, 2012*:
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  1. Is there any reason why people with seizures cannot use maca?

  2. where can i get the maca/maca root from?

  3. You can order maca/maca root from Friendly's Herbs by calling or texting 843-303-4417. Maca is natural and safe to use. Maca capsules (known by some now as butt pills) cost only $19.95 per bottle which includes 60 500mg maca capsules. Maca works wonders for most women who want a bigger butt.

    1. can i get it in nigeria,d gelatinized one nd how do i get to pay

    2. Yes, you can have this shipped to Nigeria. Pay through the payment buttons which will redirect you to paypal.com. But after March 4, I must cease taking orders for maca and Maca Express. The new product line should be available at the end of March 2012, and those who are interested in the new products should send their email address to mrm250_115@(at)yahoo.com. Please leave out the (at), of course.
      You will receive the gelatinized maca which means simply that the starches were removed from the maca, so that it is stronger.

  4. can i get this in trinidad

  5. I started maca today which i purchased from my local GNC store......I took 3 capsules today and went to the gym for an hour.....Later that night my bottom was so tender to the touch. I wonder can the maca work that quickly. I know it wasnt the gym because i work out on a regular basis.

    1. Hi,
      It was the maca that you took which made the difference. Another woman who works out didn't really notice a difference until after she took maca. Email mrm250_115@yahoo.com if you have more questions.
      Thank you for your comment.

  6. Do you have to buy a specific maca root for the butt growth?

  7. No, but gelatinized maca may be slightly more effective. However, as long as you are buying maca, you will see results if you are like most women. I personally started out with maca was not gelatinized and began seeing results in about two weeks. You can order directly from this blog. Thanks for your question.

  8. can i use powder since im not good with taking pills

  9. Yes, Angie, you can use the powder, BUT, most women hate the taste of the powder. I DO sell the powder, but, if you don't like raw tasting stuff, please ask me for suggestions on how to take the powder after you order it from me. If you buy the powder from me, I'll ship it but don't taste it as is---you will hate it. Call me at the number on the bottle once you get it for my suggestions on how to take it. Thanks for the question.

  10. If your on the depo shot birth control can you take maca root?
    Which maca root is the best?

  11. i just ordered maca but i bought a regular one. It says MACA reproductive health on an orange seal.will that one help with the butt enhancement?

  12. To answer the two questions for the week of Jan 8, regarding using regular maca and it helping you make gains, the answer is yes, it still will help you. Regarding using maca if you are getting depo shots, I'm not a doctor, so I don't really know. Please be careful with depo shots. READ about all of the side effects (which include HAIR loss---I went to a hair salon and a patron had lost her hair and that was one of the questions that the hairdresser asked her---If she had used depo shots). Maca is safe, but your doctor might be able to tell you if it's okay to use them together. Tell the doctor that maca is not a hormone and that it comes from a vegetable which grows in the Andes Mountains. Thanks for the questions.

  13. hi i would like to know which would give better results for a bigger butt gelatinized or powder? and how much should i be taking for best results ?thank you

  14. Hi,

    I think that I confused some readers, so I'll clarify what maca I'm speaking about. Maca root can be sold either gelatinized or not gelatinized. Gelatinized means that it has had all of the starches removed which makes it more effective. It has nothing to do with gelatin like it appears to because of the term "gelatinized".
    Also, you can buy maca either in powder form or in capsules. For first time users, you should buy capsules because maca tastes terrible to most people---male or female. However, if you have used bitter herbs or bitter spices or bland-tasting herbs in the past (for example, using garlic powder STRAIGHT for a cold or using burdock to clear your acne up), then you can handle maca powder whether it is gelatinized or not. If you hate bad tasting things or raw tasting things, maca powder is definitely not for you. LOL. Stick to capsules if yucky is not your style. LOL.
    Sorry for the confusion.
    Quick recap:
    1. how maca is packaged
    a. capsules
    b. powder
    2. gelatinized versus ungelatinized maca
    a. gelatinized means starches are removed from the maca
    b. ungelatinized means starches remain in the maca and it's not as concentrated as gelatinized maca
    3. Also, some maca is sold as Organic
    4. Maca in any form will increase buttock size in most women because it is an adaptogen. Adaptogens make your hormones work better. Hormone issues and hormone imbalances can contribute to having small buttocks.
    5. Maca makes your hormones work much more effectively, especially if you have good liver function.

    The maca I have is organic.

    Thanks for the question. Send an email to mrm250_115@yahoo.com if you are interested in the new product line coming out in about 2-3 weeks (around March 1,2012).

    1. Hello I need to know it Does not enlarge your breast right, cause I have big breast all ready

  15. Hi,
    Am in Malaysia & I will love to have this maca product, pls how can I get it?

    1. Hi,

      You can order by going to one of the payment buttons for "maca" on this blog post or on one of the other posts on this maca blog. We do ship overseas. Please order soon because we had stopped selling this line of products but will continue only for the next few days since there is still interest. Last day to place an order will be Feb. 28, 2012. We plan to have a new line of different products coming out in mid-March 2012. Just email mrm250_115@yahoo.com to be put on that list. You can order and we will ship to Malaysia.Thank you for your inquiry.

  16. Im a male. I have a nice sized butt as it is. Get compliments. But i want a 'Buffie The Body' booty. Is this Maca product effective for mean as well?

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      I don't know what would happen to a man who uses maca specifically for this sole purpose. Males and females are naturally meant to have certain levels of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, etc., so maca merely enables those hormones to work more effectively. I have only read about what maca does for men who have used it for increasing their fertility and for increasing their stamina and sex drive. It is great for those issues and is popular among men in some countries because of this.
      I could only say to try it because I've never read about men using it for this purpose. After tonight, I will no longer sell Maca Express and maca on this blog because I will be selling a new line of products on a different website, so order today if you would like to try this. The cost is extremely reasonable and everything is safe, natural and effective.

    2. Also, later in March 2012, we will have a new line of products available. If you want to be on the email list to find out more about our new products, just send your email address to mrm250_115@(at)yahoo.com.

      If you absolutely must have a bottle of maca or a bottle of maca express, I will allow two more days of orders--March 3 and March 4. You can also order tonight, March 2. One reader asked if we ship to Nigeria, and the answer is yes if you have a good address (no p.o. boxes) so that you can receive the package.

    3. please let me know if it works for u! i'm about to get some maca root pills to get a Buffie the Body kind of booty myself, if not bigger! I'm doing tons of booty exercises and eating right, while doing ab exercises as well. I take fenugreek and my boobs have already grown a lil... i just hope the maca root helps me get a bigger booty too! just from what i've been doing, men and sometimes women stare at my ass at work! i wear tight pants so it's noticeable ;-) but yeah i want the maca root to double the size! that way i'll really get heads turnin xD

  17. hi im a 17 year old girl and I want to grow hips and a bigger butt. am I to young to use it and will maca cause me to gain hips too? Please help...i want to look more curvy before my senior year next year. Thnx.

  18. I just went to walgreens and the only thing they had with maca was called goat weed?...i would really like to try this n if i stop taking it will my butt get small again?

  19. To anonymous who posted on April 13, 2012, you should get great results if you are using maca in combination with the right types of booty exercises. The right exercises includes squats, dead lifts (dead lift=holding a weight of at least 10 pounds right in front of you against your body while you are doing squats) as long as you don't do dead lifts daily, stair-stepping (can easily be done in your home if you have steps inside or outside your house or apartment) and lunges and body bridges (google body bridge to see how this is done). You will have to continue maca and doing your workouts for a while to get the type of results you seek, but it will work, especially if you eat enough protein daily and lots of fresh veggies. Cooked vegetables are fine too as long as you don't neglect to have your fresh veggies too. Add a protein shake or nuts or seeds (these are natural proteins) to your daily diet.
    My NEW product line should be ready in TWO WEEKS. Please send your name and email address to the email address given on the other recent blog entries to be put on the list for the new, amazing products!!

  20. From the Herb Consultant:

    To the 17 year old who wants to use maca, just wait another year before you begin using maca. However, you should really make sure that you are eating enough protein and vegetables. If you are a vegan, then you should either change from the vegan diet and become a vegetarian instead or really load up on protein shakes. Being a vegan is not helpful when trying to accomplish body goals as I know from personal experience.
    I do advise you to wait another year before using maca because you are still young and your hormones are possibly not settled yet unless you have been menstruating since you were 10 or 11 years old. After a year, start using maca. Do the exercises mentioned elsewhere on this blog in the meantime. After a year, I can let you know where you can get maca. Just refer back to the email address on the blog. Give your hormones one more year to possibly do what they should. Eat healthy and do dead lifts at least 3 times a week until you are ready to start taking maca. Take care.

  21. IF you see a product that has maca and ingredients like goat weed, that product is designed for MEN who are trying to increase stamina and endurance. As a matter of fact, one woman on a breast enhancement blog was looking in a GNC for maca and picked up one of these products and the sales clerk, a male, gave her a weird look. LOL.

    The new product line will be ready for sales in a week or two. We had a delay, but send your email address to one of the email addresses given elsewhere on this blog and you will be put on the list to hear about the new line.

    One leftover bottle of maca (gelatinized) and one bottle of maca express are available right now. We will dump or discard these after April 16, so you can order if you like before then. Hundreds of women loved our products but we want to venture into another area where the need exists for something that women all over the world want. FIND OUT SOON....... : )

  22. Hi, i have a mild case of epilepsy .is it dangerous for me to take Maca ?

    1. Hi Raina,

      Years ago when I did early research of maca, one of the documents I found said that people with seizures should not use maca. A brief explanation was given but I cannot find that source.
      Sorry that I couldn't be more specific. I found that document in 2008 if you want to research this issue further.
      Have a great day. If you have a specific concern, let me know because other herbs can be helpful which do not cause problems for those with seizures.
      Take care of yourself and enjoy the rest of the week.

  23. does the capsules make your stomch bloat...i read somewhere that it did.....y isnt this found in stores like cvs

  24. is there a contact number ,i use to have it but last time i called number was changed.

  25. What about organic meca does it still work the same will it still make my butt get bigger?

  26. I was taking maca root capsules because I had really bad menstrual cycles. Well it helped ease my pain during my cycle and made my cycle regular yet at the same time I have this huge butt that Im now trying to work off in the gym because it simply doesnt look right with my frame in my opinion. Also noticed some weight gain in my stomach too after taking maca. But mostly my butt

  27. I order my pills a week ago and still haven't received them. Is there a number I can call?

    1. Nyree's inquiry was answered directly by email. If you have private questions, you can email them to ohhsamiam(at)yahoo.com, and you will be contacted shortly thereafter.

  28. I Started Taking It Yesterday ..

  29. Hi does maca sell in Trinidad

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I don't know if stores in Trinidad sell it; however, when I was located in the USA, we shipped worldwide---the UK, Africa, Australia and tried to ship to a client in Asia who had difficulty with her country's particular import regulations. Unfortunately, I won't be able to ship from my current location in North Africa for several weeks. Post again in a few weeks, and, God willing, we may be ready then. Thanks for the comment.

  30. Hi! I had a total hysterectomy. Do you think Maca will work for me??... Also what's the appropriate dose of Maca to get good results??.... In powder for example. How much should I take and how frequent? Thanks!

    1. Hi Yajaira,
      I don't know if having a total hysterectomy will influence the effectiveness of maca. Maca makes your hormones work more effectively and efficiently, but since I am not an MD, I can't say if it will definitely work for you. Please ask your doctor, and if you need to ask me for more information, email me at ohhsamiam@yahoo.com. Thank you for the question, Yajaira. and all the best to you.
