This post will talk about treating insomnia and how to get larger thighs (even if you are not doing leg enhancing exercises) without using drugs or medications. The more important problem, insomnia, can be cured in a short time, and that will be discussed first.
Losing sleep at night and not willing to risk becoming addicted to medication to treat your insomnia? If the answer is yes, then you understand how difficult it is to live with this problem. You fall asleep on the job, risking getting fired, but your body needs some REST. You're grouchy or slightly irritable or just plain TIRED. For students, it is really embarassing to have a teacher walk over to your desk to wake you up (and that's what the NICE teachers do!!). But you already did the research on using sleeping pills, so you know that addiction to the medication is a reality. How could something so necessary as sleep be almost impossible to remedy when you aren't able to get enough of it? The solution is a natural remedy called hops.
Insomnia and Hops
Hops grow mainly in the northwestern US. It also grows in Germany, Slovenia and in the Czech Republic. It's a cone-shaped flower---perfectly natural. Hops
causes you to fall asleep, and you don't have to eat a bunch of flowers to do it. Hops has been known among naturopaths and herbalists to be effective for treating insomnia for centuries. Hops has been mentioned in several books that have been around for decades which praise it for its sleep-inducing qualities. So now you can stop falling asleep in class or being accused of being a slacker on your job. You can order hops (or valerian for severe insomnia) below at the bottom of this blog.
For people with really bad insomnia, valerian is a stronger alternative. When you can't fall asleep until 3 am, and have to leave for work at 8 am, you have really bad insomnia. If this doesn't describe you, then hops should be sufficient. Valerian is for those who literally lie in bed, wide awake, while their spouse is soundly sleeping---as well they should be because it's been HOURS since they went to bed. Valerian is where valium came from---seriously. Do your research on it.
Now on to the lesser half of this discussion on natural ways to take care of yourself: getting larger legs.
Getting Bigger Legs/Thighs
Do you believe that you are stuck with small (ok, skinny) legs? Do you refuse to wear dresses and skirts because your legs are skinny? There are women who do refuse to wear skirts or dresses for this reason. Here's another natural remedy: Saw Palmetto.
Women have testified to the effectiveness of saw palmetto for fattening up skinny legs. Why suffer and wear pants all year long? You are not stuck with skinny legs. You will know its beginning to work when you feel your legs itching slightly or tingling---it's starting to make your legs bigger. Some women didn't know what was wrong and then later, saw their legs finally begin to get larger. Order saw palmetto below.
SAW PALMETTO for Bigger Legs--Place your order here
Saw Palmetto capsules

HOPS for INSOMNIA. Order here:
Hops for sleep

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